Board Profiles

KYLIE HOLMES - CPA, B Business (Accounting), GAICD, MBAExecutive Officer
Kylie commenced as Executive Officer of RFCS Gippsland in September 2016. Kylie has worked in the banking and finance industry, and more recently with water service and supply organisations in various management roles including finance, IT, regulation and business services. Working with water service organisations, Kylie has had involvement with the rural and farming sectors assisting with water supply services.

Mr Dean CullenChair
Dean commenced as an RFCS Gippsland Board member in 2019 bringing extensive financial services experience, most recently as General Manager within the Insurance industry that includes risk management, strategy and significant financial analysis, particularly for commercial, small business and farming clients, as well as being successfully accountable for business, product and employee performance. He holds a Bachelor Business and is a Fellow of the Australian & NZ Insurance Institute. Dean has a long standing connection with the South Gippsland region both as a resident as well as in a professional capacity.

Ms Raelene HanrattyDeputy Chair
Raelene commenced as an RFCS Gippsland Board member in 2019 and has a background in banking, operated a Dairy Farm for 32 years, and has held numerous positions on boards and committees, with an extensive volunteering record as President, Treasurer, Manager and Coach for various State and local sporting groups in Gippsland.
Current positions include a Mentor for the Lifeline Farmers’ Friend program; Deputy Chair of Heyfield Hospital; Customer Consultative Committee Deputy Chair for Southern Rural Water, with representation on the Modernization Program and Agriculture Industry Group engagement committees. Previous advisory roles include representing the agricultural sector in the Gippsland Regional Assembly, and representing the Dairy industry in local and government discussions and inquiries.
Raelene brings significant experience in business management and governance including finance; risk; strategy; stakeholder relations; legal and regulatory compliance.
Current positions include a Mentor for the Lifeline Farmers’ Friend program; Deputy Chair of Heyfield Hospital; Customer Consultative Committee Deputy Chair for Southern Rural Water, with representation on the Modernization Program and Agriculture Industry Group engagement committees. Previous advisory roles include representing the agricultural sector in the Gippsland Regional Assembly, and representing the Dairy industry in local and government discussions and inquiries.
Raelene brings significant experience in business management and governance including finance; risk; strategy; stakeholder relations; legal and regulatory compliance.
Current positions include a Mentor for the Lifeline Farmers’ Friend program; Deputy Chair of Heyfield Hospital; Customer Consultative Committee Deputy Chair for Southern Rural Water, with representation on the Modernization Program and Agriculture Industry Group engagement committees. Previous advisory roles include representing the agricultural sector in the Gippsland Regional Assembly, and representing the Dairy industry in local and government discussions and inquiries.
Raelene brings significant experience in business management and governance including finance; risk; strategy; stakeholder relations; legal and regulatory compliance.
Current positions include a Mentor for the Lifeline Farmers’ Friend program; Deputy Chair of Heyfield Hospital; Customer Consultative Committee Deputy Chair for Southern Rural Water, with representation on the Modernization Program and Agriculture Industry Group engagement committees. Previous advisory roles include representing the agricultural sector in the Gippsland Regional Assembly, and representing the Dairy industry in local and government discussions and inquiries.
Raelene brings significant experience in business management and governance including finance; risk; strategy; stakeholder relations; legal and regulatory compliance.

Mrs Clare Adams BJSecretary
Clare commenced as a RFCS Gippsland Board Member in early 2018 bringing extensive experience within financial services, banking and employment industries.
Clare has considerable experience on boards within the education and aged care sectors, with specific expertise in finance and audit.
A previous member of the Regional Victorian Small Business Partnership and Reference Group, Clare is highly involved in her community of Sale, and is currently appointed as a Victorian State Bail Justice.
Clare has considerable experience on boards within the education and aged care sectors, with specific expertise in finance and audit.
A previous member of the Regional Victorian Small Business Partnership and Reference Group, Clare is highly involved in her community of Sale, and is currently appointed as a Victorian State Bail Justice.

Mr Ken Anderson - B. Economics (Hons), G.Dip. Accounting, CPATreasurer
Ken commenced as an RFCS Gippsland Board member in November 2022, bringing lifelong involvement across Gippsland’s agribusiness sector, as well as a significant career in finance and business development, including Lecturer in Economics at Federation University. Over the years, Ken has been a member of numerous community-based organisations and committees that include 15 years in the Treasurer role, and serving as a Director on the Gippsland Grammar Board. As a generational farmer; career accountant for agricultural clients; and developing partnered business ventures, Ken has an acute understanding of the physical; financial and mental impact of working in rural business industries requiring access to valuable support services.

Ms Heather Stacy (AM) - Dip. Applied Science (Ag), G.Dip. Rural Leadership, MBA, GAICDBoard Member
Heather commenced on the RFCS Gippsland Board in November 2019, bringing significant agribusiness, workplace culture, and governance experience (specialising in risk, strategy and finance) within corporate, government and non-profit sectors internationally. Heather grew up on a dairy farm and has continued her career working across various family and large corporate agribusiness industries in Australia and New Zealand, predominantly in Senior Management roles (including United Dairyfarmers and Fonterra), and has held Board Director memberships with AgriFutures; West Gippsland Healthcare Group, and Victorian WorkCover Authority. Heather is a graduate of the AICD, Australian Rural Leadership Program, and holds an MBA as well as qualifications in Agricultural Science. Her contributions to Rural Australia have seen her become an honouree member of the Order of Australia.

Mr Peter Jennings (OAM) - B. Science, G.Dip. Education, Dip. AICD, Dip. ManagementBoard Member
Peter commenced as a Board Director for RFCS Gippsland in November 2021. Starting his career as a teacher, Peter has been a generational farmer in Gippsland for over 40 years.
Awarded an Order of Australia Medal in 2017 for his services to the Gippsland community, he has held various leadership and governance roles including as a Shire Councillor, Commissioner and Board Member/Chair for numerous organisations, incorporating significant financial oversight.
Awarded an Order of Australia Medal in 2017 for his services to the Gippsland community, he has held various leadership and governance roles including as a Shire Councillor, Commissioner and Board Member/Chair for numerous organisations, incorporating significant financial oversight.
Peter has 14 years prior experience working for RFCS Gippsland, including 9 years in the Executive Officer role.

Mr Damian Murphy - A.Dip. AgricultureBoard Member
Damian commenced as a Board Director for RFCS Gippsland in November 2021 bringing significant Dairy farming experience and leadership in Agricultural policy and advocacy.
Milking 270 cows at Dumbalk North, Damian has held roles with the United Dairy Farmers of Victoria, Australian Dairy Farmers, Victorian Agricultural Advisory Council and is a Board member of Farmconnect. As well as farming, Damian & his family also operate businesses in Leongatha.
Milking 270 cows at Dumbalk North, Damian has held roles with the United Dairy Farmers of Victoria, Australian Dairy Farmers, Victorian Agricultural Advisory Council and is a Board member of Farmconnect. As well as farming, Damian & his family also operate businesses in Leongatha.
Awarded a Nuffield Scholarship in 2012 Damians study topic was ‘Young Farmer Finance Schemes’, and is now the Vice Chair of Nuffield Victoria.