How we work with you 2017-11-20T12:56:08+10:00

How we work with you

Our approach is set by your objectives

How we work with you

Our Counsellors will work with you to determine your priorities, help you set goals, and keep you on track to achieve these goals.

We follow a case management approach to financial counselling. Case Management is a term used to describe the process of assessing your situation, planning strategies, goals and actions, implementing your plans, and monitoring achievement of your plans.

Case Management Model Flowchart

Initial Contact
Client contacts our service and an appointment is arranged either on-farm or at another suitable location
Assess your Situation
The Counsellor will discuss your concerns and make an assessment of your financial situation

If you wish to progress with our service past the initial assessment then a Client Services is required to be signed

Develop a Plan
Work with your counsellor to develop an initial Action Plan – What? Who? When?

Plan your goals, actions and strategies – these may be both short and longer term

Identify the key people, family, professionals etc.

Set timeframes

Implement and Monitor your Plan
Your Counsellor can work with you over a period of time to monitor your progress in achieving each of your goals and objectives
Once you feel you have achieved your goals, your file may be closed, however if your circumstances change you are welcome to contact us again

We’re here for you
Schedule an appointment with our Counsellor today


Financial Counselling

Empowering our clients to make better business decisions

We can assist you to better understand your financial position and help develop strategies to improve your farm or business


Other Services

We are here to help

We provide access to Government assistance, industry and professional support programs, as well as information and referrals to assist you with managing personal stress



1. Implement Innovative Client Engagement Approaches

2. Collaborate with Client Support Stakeholders