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Agriculture Victoria invites farmers to a free seasonal webinar to discuss seasonal animal health and farm management issues and provide opportunity for discussion about the season ahead.

This event will provide targeted advice for North East and East Gippsland farmers impacted by fire and drought but is relevant to all interested farmers.

Agriculture Victoria presenters and topics:

Dale Grey, Seasonal Risk Agronomist:

  • 2020 was a La Nina year, how has this historically effected the following years’ rainfall?
  • Late summer and autumn are a notorious time for climate predictions, why is this so?
  • Given this reality, what are models predicting for the next three months?

Jeff Cave, District Veterinary Officer:

  • Summer brings its own set of potential animal health issues including the possibility of heat stress
  • What seasonally related livestock health issues have we been seeing, what could we be anticipating, and how can these issues be managed?

Martin Hamilton, Land Management Extension Officer:

  • Summer Water Calculator tool demonstration
  • How it works (size and shapes of dams, number and classes of stock drinking requirements)
  • Summary of what the calculations mean (current dam volume, days and weeks of water remaining, evaporation).

RSVP: Please register by Wednesday 3 February, 5pm

Logon/phone in details and copies of the presentations will be sent out prior to the event.

For further information please contact either:

North East Agriculture Recovery Manager : Kylie Macreadie on 0428 975 728

East Gippsland Agriculture Recovery Manager : Keren Walker on 0477 706 384

or Email: Firerecovery.Agriculture@agriculture.vic.gov.au